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Showing posts from July, 2008

need a new groove

Well, since Phantom ended I have been a less than prolific knitter. I had two gifts that did not meet their deadlines in the last couple weeks. One came really close. Its a baby blanket that I am making for my friend Brandi. I still wrapped it up and gave it to her at the shower, but then I had to steal it back. It just needs a few more rows and all the little yarn ends woven it. She and her huby Matt both like it though, so thats awesome. :-) Its yellow and white and cream. The white and cream are held together and the yellow is cottontots and its the pattern from the first stitch n bitch book but done in single row stripes. Does that make any sense? Well, anyway, the other present I was working on is so far from done that I did NOT wrap it up and go ahead and give it. But I am working furiously to finish it so I can give it. If I would just sit down and do at least a row or two every night then it would certainly get done. I also fear I may run out of yarn and I am hopi...

Things knit during phantom

I knit a few presents for some of the road guys. They were great to work with and while I know they appreciated the endless amounts of cookies I made them, the washcloths are something they could keep. State of Texas Flag Washcloth for Keith. Keith ran spot 5 and asked the phantom all kinds of random questions for us. Phanton mask washcloth for Jim. Jim was the guy who called my spot cues every night. First attempt at the phantom mask washcloth. I used size 5 needles and it turned out super tiny, so I went up to size 6's for the one above. I ended up keeping the small phantom mask for myself as my own souvenier. I also made a red, white, and blue washcloth in the moss rib pattern for Kevin but I accidentally deleted the picture of it. :-( It was the peaches and cream verigated, not the sugar and cream self striping. He made such a huge fourth of July display outside the pyro room, it seemed only fitting. Anyway, it turned out pretty and I think he liked it. Of course, th...

Back to it

Well, Phantom is over and I'm really sad to see it go. I am sooo behind on all the summer knitting I planned and daydreamed about though that I plan to fill all of that vacant time with knitting. Besides, knitting awesome stuff will distract me from being sad the show is over. They say once you do something 21 times in a row it becomes a habit. So having a show in for a month (32 performances) is just long enough to get totally used to it being around and get to know all the people and get used to them being around and then in one long, exhausting over-night loud-out, ::poof!:: its gone. :-( Don't get me wrong here, its not like I didn't knit at all. In fact, I knit a lot during the shows, its just that I kept coming up with other things I needed to knit besides the things I planned to knit. In fact, if I would just go get my camera and hook it up, there would be pictures of all of those neat-o things I knit. Maybe I'll do that here in a little bit. Tonight ...
Between regular accounting work and Phantom, I haven't had much time to knit. For the first time ever, I might not meet an afghan deadline (there are plenty of other deadlines I've missed, but not an afghan. Odd, huh?). And there are soooooo many things I had planned on making this summer. But, alas, life gets in the way of knitting. In an effort to be patriotic yesterday I took some nice red, white, and blue peaches and cream yarn with me to the party I went to and worked on a washcloth. I'm glad I didn't take anything more important with me because those Phantom guys set off sooooooo many fireworks that the whole block was covered in ash by the end of the night. Ok, well, more updates soon! (I hope)