So no ribbon for me at the fair this year. I did go ahead and take pictures though.
Here is my Honeymoon Shawl. I thought that they could have done a much better job displaying it than they did. Other shawls were so nicely displayed and mine was just kind of dropped over a bar. A bar wrapped in paper. It might have been better on just the bar itself.
Next up Sara's Starghan. They laid it over a table like a tablecloth. Thats fine because you get to see more of it that you do of the ones folded up. I had high hopes for this one. A friend of mine won first, and her blanket is very pretty, but I looked and looked and looked and never could find a second or third place in the baby afghan category. It's like they decided to only award first and be done with it, which I think is rather rude.
I re-blocked the blanket before taking it to the fair, but probably not well enough. Its been in use since last March, after all, and likely washed many times. At least miss Emagene likes it.
See that blanket on the left there? That's Calista's first place baby afghan and then next to it are two other knit baby afghan entries. There were plenty of crocheted baby afghans around, I forget who took first in that. We did enjoy looking at everything. Sometimes it's all so jumbled though that you can't quite find everything that is supposed to be in the same category, so how are you supposed to tell how they compare? I know the judging is already done, but sometimes we knitters like to form our own opinions, you know?
My friend Kat did very well at the fair this year and we managed to find all of her stuff to take a peek. All in all we had a good time. We go our free ice cream cones from the Dairy Farmers Association and we ate an Indian Taco and Curly Potato and had some super sweet lemonade. The weather was beautiful and perfect for being out and about. We ran into a few friends and one of them even ate the infamous Krispy Kreme Burger (um, gross)!
It was a good day at the fair. Now I need to go ahead and start planning what to enter next year.