We had company with us on the car ride to and from St. Louis this weekend. He was well behaved and quiet on the way there, but he was a little restless on the way back, so I took some pics.
First he didn't want to go straight home so he tried to take a chunk out of the GPS.
Next he decided that since we are on the brink of fall he needed to step up his fashion sense. So he put on the hat I knit at the Cardinals game the night before (pattern to be posted soon). He found it a bit overwhelming, although I'm not sure why.
Then Godzilla decided to knit for a bit. He prefers size 15 needles because he doesn't have the patience for small knitting.
Then it was his turn to drive, which was fine with me because I hate driving.
But driving was exhausting so he decided to take a nap after that. It was my neck pillow he slept on though, so I was a little jealous.
As many of you know, I love working with hand dyed yarn. I especially love Farm Girl Fiber yarn! Bridgette has an eye for color and has a lot of fun with what she does. That is why I am so super thrilled that Farm Girl Fiber is sponsoring this giveaway in honor of my opening an etsy shop! Before the goods, a recap: I made this Acorn Head hooded cowl for myself on Christmas this year. I've known pretty much since I bought the yarn exactly what it was going to be, I just had to find time to do it. This cowl was out of my FGF birthday yarn! You can't tell in the picture, but it has just this hind of sparkle to it. Love! I made 2 of these for two different swaps and I really wish I had made and kept one for myself while she still had the yarn! It was so super soft and super bulky and fantastic! Sometimes Farm Girl Fiber has very limited lots of things, so if you find something you love, you really need to snatch it up. ...