Last week I worked the Uproar tour as it came through town so I wanted to take something with me to knit that would be fun enough to keep me entertained and mindless enough to pick up and put down off and on all day. I decided to make another Calorimetry.
This one is made of some Bernat Satin I had laying around and was made on size 7 needles. It's still a little big on me, but most people have more hair than I do. It might be long but it's very fine. So I'll sew a button on it and ponder its destiny.
Next up is a cowl I have been working on. If you are familiar with the Fun to Stitch dishcloth from Creative Knitting sometime in 2006, perhaps May or March, or with linen stitch in general, then you should recognize the stitch pattern. I don't know why, but I just love that stitch pattern. Once I get going I could do it all day long. This time I went with just one yarn, but since its self striping it still makes for a great look.
You can see the color variations start to emerge even in this little bit on knitting. It is now much, much wider than this, but I haven't taken any pictures of it in the last couple days. Its going to be a shorter cowl than I usually do. I only had 2 skeins of the yarn and I wanted to be sure I got a really neat look with it.
I will post the pattern once I finish making it, but so far its on size 11 needles and I think I cast on 75 stitches (will go back and count, but it was definitely and odd number). It's super simple but comes out looking complex. I do think I'll make a long cowl with the same stitch pattern but go back to the two color look. There are so many things I want to make though, who knows how long it will be before I get to that.
Unless I fall in love with it, this cowl will be for sale at Indie Emporium. :-) It looks awesome on, I slipped it over my head last night despite the fact that its still on the needles. When we get closer to the actual event I will try and remember to do a couple posts reminding you what I will have for sale there.