I love linen stitch. And half linen stitch. And all the little variations on linen stitch. I do not always love, however, dealing with two or three balls of yarn whose only goal in life is to get tangled. This cowl is the result of that + the desire for an easy take-along project + 2 balls of Artful Yarns Reality.
The yarn changes color slowly, but enough that the linen stitch stands out.
Looks, my nails match! Total coincidence..
My finished product is 10" tall, but slouches nicely on. And now, the pattern:
2 balls Artful Yarns Reality
Size 11 20 inch Circular needles
1 stitch marker
Cast on 75 stitches
Place Marker and join for knitting in the round.
Pattern stitch: (Knit 1, bring yarn forward and slip 1, take yarn back)
Working in Pattern Stitch until cowl is 10 inches or desired length
Bind off loosely.
Note: The marker at the beginning to the round is really just there to help you know when you bind off. The odd number of stitches means every other round starts with a knit and every other starts with a slipped stitch. If you just keep working in the pattern stitch as if there marker isn't there then you really don't need to think about the rounds, you just keep going.