At the third shower I did super soft bathy washcloths, with the exception of the frist cloth. My brother was in town for this particular shower, so I also tried to make sure at least one of the designs would appeal to him. The colors match the towels they register for, for the most part, and the I Love This Yarn brand yarn (it was my first time using it) is incredibly soft and wonderful to work with. I really loved using it. First we have, and I know its kind of hard to see in this picture, the wedding bands cloth made out of sinfonia that didn't quite make it into the present the day before. It was close, but it just wasn't ready. Next is the cloth I made to appeal to my brother. I was going to try and make a whole set with this theme, but I just ran out of time. Oh well, maybe sometime in the future. You all know what it is, right? The yarn was so soft. I know I said that already. I did a simple garter ridges cloth to match the towels. Thats always a fun and simple...