Part 2 in our saga begins with a new yarn for me. I hadn't actually ever bought or knit with Sinfonia before. Its nice, although very slippery. But it made for some thin, pretty, more decorative looking cloths, perhaps for the bathroom or guest bath. I honestly have no idea how well it holds up under use and washing but I checked Rav to make sure people had used this yarn for washcloths before and there seemed to be some positive feedback.
The first cloth is a W since she has used the monogram a lot on the wedding stuff and in the coasters and wine stopper on the registry. She has also gotten plates, napkins, stationary, etc with the monogram from various people, so it fits in well.
Cloth number 2 is your traditional grandmother's favorite cloth in a variegated sinfonia. The fact that its garter stitch gives it more squish than the 2 picture cloths, so it seems to me if any of them would stand up to more use, it might be this one. The earth tones should match her bathroom colors.
Lastly we have an X's and O's cloth with a pretty lacey center. Once again, might be more decorative than functional, but we'll see.
I also included some Burts Bees Milk and Honey lotion in the package to give it more of a "these are bathroom cloths" feel without having to to write it on the cards on the cloths or say it outright. I suppose you might be able to scrub dishes with these cloths, but they feel a little thin for that.
I did really enjoy the sinfonia yarn. I am wondering now about a thin spring top out of it or a skirt. I am going to have to peruse the patterns I was considering and see if the gauge and drape matches for any of them. Since it comes in decent size skeins for a reasonable price I can see using it a lot in the future. Although first I will knit myself a washcloth out of it and see how it holds up to the washer and the dryer. :-)