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Showing posts from May, 2010

Nothing new to report

Other than continued wedding insanity and the fact that Riley likes Monk.

Wedding planning is killing the knitting

At just over one month until wedding day, every time I think I am going to knit there is another thing I need to do or list I need to me. Wedding planning is killing the knitting. Although I think its just as much Thank You card writing's fault. Its not that I don't want to plan the wedding. Or thank people. Its just that I want a few minutes each day to knit! And again I ask myself why I decided to undertake the After Dark Nightie. I think I might be at the point where I need to start the waist shaping, if only I knew where my tape measure was to confirm that. I think, for my own sanity, that I am going to try and set aside 5 minutes everyday for knitting. Its not much, but it will keep me from feeling deprived. Kind of like dieters having small portion controlled desserts so they don't go nutso. We shall see how that goes. My "do this everyday" list keeps getting longer. Write X number of thank you cards each day. Exercise X amount of time each day ...

Late Post: Tulsa Spring Fiberfest

The very first magnificent sight to greet you as you approached the Brush Creek Barn was all the pretty colors of Bridgette's yarn! All the brightly colored stuff in the center, yep thats all from Farm Girl Fibers and if you haven't seen her yarn in person then you are totally missing out. I buy way too much of it, so I need other people to buy it first so I don't get so tempted. I know is Brandi went home with some very bring pink that day. :-) I brought the little shawl I knit out of the cotton and silk that Bridgette dyed a while back, in case she needed a knitted up display item. I took the whole basket outside for a minute for a quick little photo shoot. I stayed all day and we sat and did our fibery things and wandered around the pretty little pond at Brush Creek and took pictures of these adorable little booties that Rori made for Bridg. Brandi came for a while and wandered around doing the picture thing with us and she has some awesome ones on her flicker. She ...

I made some hats

See? This first one is a chemo cap that I made for mom to give her friend. Rumor is she really likes it. The yarn was super nice to work with, very soft. And these next two are both child's sized Hannah hats (you know, with the pony tail opening in the back and the buttons). Anyway, I've been messing around with this patter just changing up the yarns and needle sizes to come up with different sizes, but not changing any of the instructions. I am definitely liking the results. And now I am very, very sleepy. Goodnight. p.s.- Spring fiberfest here in Tulsa was very fun and my friend Bridg and I both joined make:Tulsa. Case you care.