At just over one month until wedding day, every time I think I am going to knit there is another thing I need to do or list I need to me. Wedding planning is killing the knitting. Although I think its just as much Thank You card writing's fault. Its not that I don't want to plan the wedding. Or thank people. Its just that I want a few minutes each day to knit! And again I ask myself why I decided to undertake the After Dark Nightie.
I think I might be at the point where I need to start the waist shaping, if only I knew where my tape measure was to confirm that.
I think, for my own sanity, that I am going to try and set aside 5 minutes everyday for knitting. Its not much, but it will keep me from feeling deprived. Kind of like dieters having small portion controlled desserts so they don't go nutso. We shall see how that goes. My "do this everyday" list keeps getting longer. Write X number of thank you cards each day. Exercise X amount of time each day (I can check that one off for today. go me and getting up at 5:20) Etc. But I guess if I stick with it everything will eventually get done. I wonder how long it would take to have a complete nightie if I could only knit 5 minutes each day. Hmmmm. Its a good thing this won't last. I have some serious plane rides in my future and that bodes well for getting back on the knitting bandwagon. Well, time to go shower and then check off the Work for X number of hours today part of the list.
I have now downloaded the ruler app on my iphone, for times I am without a tape measure.