I'm weaving! YAY! Thank you, Lena!
So, warping the loom took hours. Maybe I shouldn't have started with a thread-like yarn using the loom to its full capacity for my very firstest ever project. Ok, I guess its not my very firstest ever, because when I was really little I had one of those fisher price red plastic looms that you could make scarves on and a vaguely remember using that. But at such a young age, how did I have the patience for warping? Dunno. Anyway, this picture is the very beginning of my shawl. Last night I took it with me babysitting, its only a 16" loom, and worked on it after the kids went to bed. I have put in some darker horizontal stripes now and I think its looking really nice. There is no specific pattern, I was random when I warped the loom and not I am just randomly inserting lines of darker as I weave, mainly sticking with the two light neutral shades. Its very exciting. It seems slow going, but I know its much faster than knitting lace, and its about the same weight. I do think I will do something thicker and a bit more instant gratification next. Like a pretty scarf or something.
Well, I should really be getting ready for work, instead of thinking about weaving.