This was the view from my hotel room. My very comfortable, very wonderful hotel room.
More from the hotel room. Really there wasn't much else besides conferencing going on, so I did the occasional admiring of the view.
Other than the conference, I did manage to run down to the outlet mall on the border and get a bit of shopping in. Oh and there was the wonderful dinner at Oceanaire Seafood. Yum. And the wonderful dinner at Roy's (Hawaiian fusion). And a visit to my old friends Pinkberry & In & Out. Dad and I managed to get up way early a couple mornings for some nice long walks along the water.
Our conference had a party one night on this retired aircraft carrier. It was a pretty good time and neat to wander around and look at the displays.
So, that was a super brief recap of San Diego. It was actually a really good conference and I enjoyed most of my classes. It was just too brief a time.
Sorry for the very late, very disjointed post. Getting ready for even more crazy goings on. And I still owe you an update on Shakedown in T-Town.
Thanks for sharing the pictures!