So I know there hasn't been much blogging the last couple weeks. I have wanted to, really. Part of my issue is that I want pictures with most of my posts, so I delay writing about things until I get un-lazy and get the pics off my camera. Or go take the pics for that matter. But also, I've been busy getting ready for Indie Emporium, trying to has as much cool stuff to sell as possible, deciding on pricing, making business cards, tagging everything with care instructions, etc. It's exciting but I'm also a little nervous. I want my stuff to make a good impression. I don't want to over or under price things. I am not trying to be Anthropology, but I am also not trying to be Old Navy (or Walmart). Now, thats as far as pricing goes. As far as cool-factor goes, I would LOVE to be Anthropology. Who wouldn't?
Right now I have 8 hats and 3 cowls and a whole slew of stitch markers. I'd like to finish another cowl and make a few more hats in the time left before the show. I did get a little side tracked after going to War Eagle this past weekend with my mother and grandmother. I found a cameo in an antique store somewhere along the trip back that told me it HAD to be on a cream colored hat. Seriously. I knew I had one skein of cream colored Lorna's Laces in my stash, so I cast on for a pinch hat. I figured that would be pretty fast and then I could get back to my Indie knitting. The Lorna's is a finer gauge than what I normally knit the pinch hats with though, so it's taking a bit longer than they usually do. Perhaps if the weather decides to cool off by Indie then I can wear my new Cameo Pinch hat so people can see how cute they are on.
I haven't forgotten that I promised more on the Journey of 1000 coasters. That is coming soon, I just want to get some pics up with that post. But really, you want to be one of the first 50 people in the door of Indie Emporium friday night. Trust me, you do.