Here we have more from yesterday's fun and silly modeling session.
The lacy turquoise beanie is really cute on most people. Definitely on Heather. I probably should have gotten a shot from the back or the top though to better showcase the lacy part.
We had some modeling help from Molly for one of the beanies. The Simple Lines beanie is warm and generously sized, but not to the point of qualifying as slouchy.
Here is one of the Button Pinch hats. I still love this look on pretty much everyone.
And here is a cotton, rayon & silk pinch hat, which I have not yet found a good button for. Nothing I have really goes with it and I haven't seen one yet that just speaks to me.
Another shot of the Casual Cowl, looped twice this time.
Thanks again, Heather! And there are still more pics to post. :-) Btw, we didn't even get through everything I have AND I have already completed a couple more things since then, so if you want to help me make a record of my stuff by modeling it for me, hit me up.
I know I keep saying this, but I am SUPER excited for next Friday. Absolutely can't wait. The Anticipation is killing me!!! So please come visit Bridgette, Kate, Jane and I at Indie Emporium. There are going to be a whole bunch of amazing local designers and makers there. I really think everyone is going to have an absolutely awesome time.
Back to knitting furiously! This past week has been great for my stock of stuff, hopefully I can keep up the momentum this week!