I have been sooo tired this week, its been hard to motivate myself to blog and when I have blogged it hasn't really been so much about the knitting. I have a good reason though, I have spent all my free time this week getting ready for this:
I'm really excited about it! There are going to be something like 200 vendors, but I've been told I will be located near the other make:Tulsa members, which is awesome. Gleeful Peacock, Bohemian Romance, Bifftastica and Sunshine and Carousels will all have booths. So if you are in Tulsa, you should come out and see us. Support your local crafters and your furry friends. Both of the dogs Ben and I have are adopted, so I know personally that these kinds of organizations are very important. Without them our little Ripley may not have gotten another chance and Riley's first owner may not have had a safe place to surrender him and might have just dumped him instead. But because of rescues and people who care we now have the sweetest pair of dogs. Our lives would be so different without them.
I love my fur babies.